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Black Ground Mirror by Color & Mirror
When we think about mirrors, we usually picture them having a silvery, reflective surface.
But, not all mirrors have to be crystal clear. They come in a range of different colors, shades, and styles.
One of the most popular styles today is black mirrors. Black glass, in particular, has the potential to add a smooth, dramatic touch to any room.
The Shortlist...
Black Glass Wall Mirrors

Round, decorative wall mirror hand made with black glass. This piece has a dark reflection that creates a unique, artistic effect when viewing.
Can a mirror be black?
Mirrors are made of a material that reflects light. If light cannot be reflected, the mirror will not be black.
What does mirror glass cost?
Mirror glass is the most expensive type of glass. The cost of a mirror is determined by the size and the thickness of the glass.
What is an obsidian mirror?
An obsidian mirror is a mirror made of the black volcanic rock obsidian. They are usually found in Mexico and Central America.
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